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  2. 論文領域包括高分子、纖維、紗、布、成衣服飾、家飾與產業用紡織品、複合材料、染整、檢驗、紡織品牌、設計、行銷、管理及經濟等稿件。
  3. 中文或英文賜稿Word DOC檔之研究論文,中文稿需附中英文摘要及5個以內之關鍵詞。中英文摘要以200字以內為原則。稿件內文應包括:「中英文摘要」、「前言」、「理論」、「實驗」、「結果與討論」、「結論」及「參考文獻」等。
  4. 來稿必須由左而右橫式打字,無論中文或英文稿件,使用A4大小,字級為12,2倍行間距,上、下、左、右邊界為2公分。
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  6. 來稿請註明作者姓名、所屬機關名、連絡信箱及聯絡電話,作者為兩人以上者,請註明聯絡人(Corresponding Author)。本期刊審查委員對來稿內容有修飾刪改之權,來稿採用與否,將由本期刊編輯委員會決定後函告。
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Notes to Authors

  1. Manuscripts can be submitted in Chinese or English. Articles submitted to the journal should be original contributions and should not be under consideration for any other publication at the same time. Authors submitting articles for publication should warrant that the work is not an infringement of any existing copyright and will indemnify the publisher against any breach of such warranty.
  2. Articles that contain Polymer, Fiber, Yarn, Fabric, Garment, Home and Industry Textiles, Composite Materials, Dyeing and Finishing, Testing, Textile Brand, Design, Marketing, Management and Economics are accepted.
  3. Preferred format for the text and tables of your manuscript is Microsoft Word (*.doc) /or any other compatible formats are also accepted. The first page of the manuscript should include “The title of the manuscript”, “The name(s)”, “The abstract” and “The keywords”. A footnote on the same sheet should in order given the names, departments, institutions and countries. The abstract should be no more than 200 words. The number of the keywords should be limited to five; while the prefix of the first one should be capitalized.
  4. Manuscripts should be on A4 size paper only, 12 point font size and double- spaced should be selected. The layout of the document should be kept 2cm margins from border.
  5. Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and the pixel of the graph should be used in at least 300dpi for quality control. Both tables and figures should come with titles; while the title should be put over the table and under the figure. The first letter of the title should be capitalized. The appropriate place for each table or figure should be marked in the text. The legends and titles on tables and figures must be sufficiently descriptive such that they are understandable without reference to the text.
  6. The author should make sure that there is a strict one-to-one correspondence between the citation in the text and those on the reference. Please include full contact details with the manuscript e-mail address of the author(s) to whom correspondence and proofs should be sent. The Peer reviewer also has the right to modify the article. The author(s) will be advised if the article is accepted by Editor in Chief.
  7. Any manuscript not follow the notes above will not be accepted.
  8. To submit, please register first. Registration